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MA 3D A Traveler 3D Arm

Référence : GMA3DA
The Traveler Series' 3D Arm

Every bit of weight counts when you're travelling by plane or truck from one gig to the next. After all, you can't always rely on the concert venue having the right tool available for you when needed.

The Gravity® 3D Arm MA 3DA can be taken everywhere you go. It's so light and space-saving, there's absolutely no need for you to worry about weight or storage space.

This tool lets you attach microphones, action cams and mobile phone holders to your microphone stand, for example, and set them up flexibly. Its fastening mechanism is quick and easy to assemble. The large clamping range from 15 to 35 mm and the three joints' 360° rotation options allow you to install it as you like. Simply loosen, adjust and tighten the wing-screws. Voila - you're all done!

Gravity® has once again delivered a small, useful and reliable product for you to round off your collection of stands.

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The Traveler Series' 3D Arm

Every bit of weight counts when you're travelling by plane or truck from one gig to the next. After all, you can't always rely on the concert venue having the right tool available for you when needed.

The Gravity® 3D Arm MA 3DA can be taken everywhere you go. It's so light and space-saving, there's absolutely no need for you to worry about weight or storage space.

This tool lets you attach microphones, action cams and mobile phone holders to your microphone stand, for example, and set them up flexibly. Its fastening mechanism is quick and easy to assemble. The large clamping range from 15 to 35 mm and the three joints' 360° rotation options allow you to install it as you like. Simply loosen, adjust and tighten the wing-screws. Voila - you're all done!

Gravity® has once again delivered a small, useful and reliable product for you to round off your collection of stands.
Type de produit
Stands et pieds
Autres stands et pieds
Plastique, Polyamide
Adaptation conjointe
Vis à ailettes
Rotation conjointe
Inclinaison conjointe
Arm length
400 mm
Conçue pour Fixation sur
Pieds de micro
Compatible avec tube diamètre
15 mm - 35 mm
Pas filetage
0,302 kg
Téléchargements et liens
Taille du fichier
Fiche d'information Manual pdf 328 KB
Textes descriptifs Textes descriptifs zip 89 KB
G-Rings Gravity Catalogue Catalog pdf 1 MB
Catalogue des produits Gravity 2022 Catalog pdf 13 MB
Images produits Fichiers image zip -
Fiche d'information

Catégorie: Manual

Catégorie: pdf

Taille du fichier: 328 KB

Textes descriptifs

Catégorie: Textes descriptifs

Catégorie: zip

Taille du fichier: 89 KB

G-Rings Gravity Catalogue

Catégorie: Catalog

Catégorie: pdf

Taille du fichier: 1 MB

Catalogue des produits Gravity 2022

Catégorie: Catalog

Catégorie: pdf

Taille du fichier: 13 MB

Images produits

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Catégorie: zip

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